Violet Craft Seam Roller
Kelly AshtonDescription
A quilting seam roller can be a quick and easy alternative to an iron when assembling units, especially if your quilting setup doesn’t allow for an iron easily within reach. Kelly Ashton shows you how to use one and explains which one is her favorite and why.
Quilting Seam Roller
Kelly begins by explaining when and how using a quilting seam roller can come in handy when assembling a project. She then shows her preferred brand of this quilting tool by Violet Craft and highlights some of the features it has. She shows both the handle of the roller and the roller itself, which is made of wood. She explains that this will help to ensure that it holds up well to repeated use, as the wooden versions of these tools can be heavier, meaning they require less pressure from the user.
Kelly then uses a simple half square triangle block to demonstrate how to use the quilting seam roller. She explains that it is important to begin with the seam opened as far as possible and then roll the quilting seam roller along the seam, applying some pressure to the fabric. Kelly shows how she likes to hold the roller, which is the most comfortable for her but also shows other ways the roller can be held and used. She demonstrates that you might need to roll over the seam several times, or use short back and forth motions to make sure the seam is laying flat.
Kelly then explains that while using this quilting seam roller while assembling units can save lots of time and eliminate the need to get up and go to an iron after each seam, pressing quilt seams with an iron is still necessary. Kelly recommends that after using the quilting seam ruler to assemble several units or sections of a block, you should then press that block with an iron prior to assembling the full quilt or project.
Hello, I'm Kelly Ashton, and I want to tell you a little bit about a tool that I have come to really appreciate having right next to my sewing machine when I'm doing my patchwork piecing. I don't know how your sewing space is set up, but sometimes I'm in places where my pressing station is pretty far away, and I may not want to have to get up between each seem to go across the room and press a seam and then come back and sew the next one, so I found this really cool little tool. This is called the violet craft rolling seam roller, and it's made out of wood, so it's heavy-duty. I know that there are others on the market. I happen to like this one because it is so heavy.
It's all, the handle's made of wood. The roller is made of wood, and it's a nice sturdy piece of metal that's holding it all together. And this tool has become invaluable to me, so let me show you how it works. I just pieced together these two half-square triangles to make a half-square triangle square, and if I just have a lot of piecing I want to do, and I don't want to have to go across the room right away, all I have to do is fold my patchwork over, and I carefully hold it so that I get a nice crisp seam and then I just run my roller, my little wooden roller, right over that seam. So I'm being careful, I'm going just straight along the seam so that I'm not distorting my block at all, putting a little bit of pressure there and look how nicely that makes my patchwork lay flat, so that I don't have to run back and forth to the iron all the time.
Now later on, I would probably want to take this to the iron, maybe do even a little steam press with it, but gosh, if you just have to add some more other pieces on, this is really a handy tool. Now, some people like to hold it up and down like this, and that seems to work just fine too, but I've been just as comfortable holding it just like I'm showing you here and it works just great. So I love this little tool and if you try it, I bet you're gonna love it too. Have a great day of sewing.
This looks identical to the Wallpaper Seam Roller I've used to press the seams of each wallpaper drop (sheet of wallpaper applied to the wall). Thank you for showing the different ways to hold and use the device.