Squaring Up Quilt Blocks with Precision
ZJ HumbachDescription
Piecing a Block
Most quilt blocks are made up of at least a couple pieces, meaning that every time there is a seam there is the possibility of getting off square. ZJ explains that one of the first steps in squaring up a quilt block is to accurately piece as best you can so that you won’t have to trim the edges when you are done. She also explains that even if you are only off a small amount, if every block in a row is off by the same small amount it can add up to a large amount by the time the quilt is completely pieced together.
When squaring up a quilt block it is important to have the right tools. While many quilters use long rulers for cutting their strips and other pieces it is helpful to have at least one or two square rulers for squaring up quilt block. These rulers can also be useful in learning how to change the size of quilt blocks. ZJ shows several rulers and explains what some of the lines are on the rulers, how to use them and what to do if one ruler has more or less lines than another. ZJ then shows how to use the ruler to first determine if the block is square or not. If it is not, she shows how to make several different measurements first and then work your way around the edges squaring up the block.