I love my self-healing cutting mat. Probably one of my best friends, in the sewing room anyway. But did you know that your mat needs some regular care in order to keep it in tip top shape? Otherwise it will begin to look like my old mat here. (Eek!)
Caring for your self-healing cutting mat is easy. Every now and then you will want to take a little scrubber (like the kind used for dishes) and brush off your mat to release any loose threads that get caught. You don’t need to rub too hard, just a light touch is sufficient.Cleaning Your Mat
Once you have the excess loose threads and fibers removed, it’s time to moisturize your mat and bring that surface back to life. A quick bath in a solution of vinegar and dish soap will do the trick, plus it should also remove any surface stains on the mat. (Except for ink stains – those are a little tougher.)To soak your mat, place it in a bathtub or container that is large enough so your mat can lie flat. Add a solution of ¼ cup white vinegar per gallon of cool water and let it soak for 15 to 20 minutes. Make sure the water is cool! Warm or hot water can warp your mat.

Happy quilting!
Related Video: How to Care for Cutting Mats
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My mat is A1, so I don't have any tub to fit it in. I was thinking maybe using a damp cloth and try to "hidrate it" on the floor. What is the vinager for? Is it only for cleaning or does it help the mat to self-heal? I have some pretty deep cuts that do not seem to have healed themselve in one week.
? I have the large mat too big for the tub. What do you suggest
Question: how can I get fusible interfacing off the ironing pad of my travel Omnigrid? I mistakenly had it facing the wrong way and ironed it to the pad. Mea culpa
Can you iron on the cutting mat? Thanks
Using 15 minute vinegar soak and then scrubbing with mild detergent. Some lines still not coming out.
would love any quilt tips you can give me. thanks
I bought the 3 piece green mats. From day one it does not matter what I cut it retains fibres in the cut. I have tried using their brand of cutter and it makes no difference. I had contacted the manufacturer and their response was to usethese blades. Most dishearting as they are new. I am defibitly going to try this and see what happens. Thanks
i have a rotary self healing mat that smells like skunk, when i took it out of the plastic wrap. Purchased it at a show, so couldn't return it. Placed it in a black plastic bag with drier sheets and put in the sun. Helped somewhat, but i still notice the odor when i use it to cut. I am thinking that the vinegar solution will help this problem, since it is a deodorizer.
I meant odour
What can I do to remove door from a cutting mat? It’s a rotating mat. I have tried water and vinegar, baking sofa, and am in the process of using coffee grounds. So far any improvement is temporary. Help!